sungod art

Meet the Team

What is SGMUN?

SGMUN, Sun God MUN, is the first collegiate-level conference hosted by UCSD Model United Nations. This is a new step in the direction of our organization, as we have hosted only high school level conferences for over a decade. Our event will be for three days from April 5th – 7th, 2024. It will consist of five committees and one sizable social event on the beach. The event will be held on the UCSD campus. TritonMUN is our high school conference, and some of you may have participated in it during high school. The work ethic of our entire team during TritonMUN and abroad at conferences will shine during SGMUN. We hope you enjoy the conference and hope to see you again next year.

Who are we?

Secretary General

Stone Henderson

Stone is a fourth-year International Studies major at UCSD’s Eleanor Roosevelt College. He has been involved in Model UN since his freshman year of college and has participated both as a delegate and as a chair in several conferences. Outside of MUN, Stone enjoys both watching and participating in motorsport, video games, and exploring the world to learn about new cultures and ways of life.


Director General

Nathaniel Wood

Nathaniel Wood is a third year microbiology major and literature writing minor at UCSD’s Marshall College. He has been doing Model UN since his junior year of high school, where he was one of the club’s founding members. Outside of Model UN, he likes to read, write, play video games, and practice taekwondo.

USG Logistics

Paige Collier

Paige is a second-year Classical Studies major and Marine Biology minor in Eleanor Roosevelt College. She became involved in Model UN at UCSD in her first year of college, having 4 years of experience from high school. In her free time, she loves to surf, scuba dive, read, and learn new things. She loves meeting new people, so if you see her at SGMUN, feel free to say hello! 

Co-Crisis Director

Tahrir Salam

Tahrir is a second year neurobiology major major at ERC and has done MUN for three years in high school alongside one year at UCSD for four years total. Originally, he comes from Bakersfield, a beautiful city in the Central Valley notorious for breathtaking scenery. For nonresidents, that prior statement is a joke. Other than MUN, other activities he enjoys include reading political theory or light novels/manga, listening to music, staying connected to friends with the infinite power of the Internet, and going to the gym. Feel free to ask him about his interests if you see him at SGMUN!

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USG External

Suhani Pawar

Suhani Pawar is a first-year Global Health major at UCSD’s Seventh College. She has been involved in Model UN since the beginning of her freshman year, has attended conferences as a delegate, and has vice-chaired for UCSD’s TritonMUN conference. In her free time, Suhani loves to read, listen to music, and try out coffee shops with friends.

Co-Crisis Director

Brandon Covas

Brandon is a first year at UCSD majoring in Urban Planning and International Business. This is his 5th year being involved in MUN and enjoys crisis committees the most. He is eager to give you all a great crisis experience similar to the ones he has had in the past. Brandon’s hobbies include tennis, surfing, and going to concerts.



Friday, April 5th

Delegation Check In: 4 – 6pm

Opening Ceremony: 6:15 – 6:45pm

Committee Session I: 7:00 – 9:00pm

Head Delegate Feedback: 9:15 – 9:45pm

Saturday, April 6th

Committee Session II: 9am – 12pm

Lunch: 12pm-1:30pm

Committee Session III: 1:30 – 4:30pm

Break: 4:30-5pm

Committee Session IV: 5-8pm

Head Delegate Feedback: 8:15 – 8:45 

Delegate Social: 10pm – 1am

Sunday, April 7th

Committee Session V:  10:30am – 12:30pm

Closing Ceremony: 1pm – 2pm